A Day in the Life of Moi, Part II

20150210_110654I’m Elijah Moon, and I’m back to post while my humans are otherwise occupied. I do have some trouble with the computer keys have been told I have very expressive paws.

Today I’m going to give you an idea of my schedule. Noelle manages to adhere to it fairly well, Hubs not so much. I sleep with my humans, but usually get up the minute Hubs goes downstairs. Since this can be any time between 1 and 6 AM, and sometimes more than once, I have a busy night. Hubs is usually back in bed by 6:30, and Angel (did I mention there’s an animal in this house?) gets Noelle up around 7.

Angel thinks she’s the boss, but in reality she’s an impertinent, butt-snuffing terrier (I heard she’s a 063mixed breed – part rat terrier and part Jack Russell). That’s probably why she is not normal.

I allow her to share the couch with me at night, though. She’s learned to keep her distance.





20160310_145604Anyway, when Angel gets Noelle up, I come downstairs and have to remind her to let me out immediately. She’s gotten better understanding at cat-speak.  After I go out, and she takes Angel out, I come back inside with them and have my morning whipped cream cheese. Not much, just a taste. And maybe some crunchy treats. And maybe some tuna fish if there’s any in the fridge. Then I got to the door and this time, I don’t have to ask.







I love wandering around the yard. Sometimes I just sit on the deck and ponder the bushes. After a20150607_082256 while I come in, and my breakfast is always there waiting for me.  Then I nap, usually all morning. Did you know that cats sleep from 16-18 hours a day? Why do you think we’re so beautiful?

In the afternoon, I go out again. If it’s cold, not for long, but in the summer I like to go to the pool with Noelle and ride on a mat in the water. If it’s really hot, I take a swim. Honestly, it Elijah Moom swimmingfeels good and if I lick fast enough, I’m dry by the time we have to go in.

I always have to be inside by dusk. There are coyotes in the neighborhood (so I’ve been told) and they do have a taste for cat flesh. My two leggeds saw a pair of them walking in broad daylight through the neighbor’s yard. I do know there aren’t cat visitors at our door any more. Or dogs. Or raccoons. Or possums.

Description Coyote Beverley Hills CA.jpg   They look mean!


One night, we did have a visitor at the glass door to the porch. He was rather large and was banging on the door at me. Noelle came down to see what the noise was. When she put on the porch light, he ran away, but I heard her say it was a wildcat.

Description European Wildcat Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald 03.jpg
He was rather handsome, but his growl was very, very loud.


Next time I have a chance to post, I’ll tell you what I do for fun.



13 thoughts on “A Day in the Life of Moi, Part II”

  1. Well hello there, Elijah! What a beautiful fellow you are. And adventurous, too – I can’t believe you like to go swimming! My furry companion Terry is amazed at your bravery. Also, you have so ferocious looking beasts prowling about – the most Terry has to contend with is foxes and he is nearly as big as them anyway. I hope you two-leggeds are doing well, please pass on my best.

    1. My two leggeds are back, and they look relieved that I did just fine without them. They didn’t being me a present, though, so I am miffed!

  2. Hey Elijah,
    Nice to get to meet you and see my pal Angel… though I have to mention that there was no need for the name -calling…
    I’m a mixed breed too… which just means I have two pedigree strains not one… 😉
    The cream cheese sounds good though 😉
    Much love, Ani xxx

    1. I am off of cream cheese now, Ani. I prefer a little butter. Nice to meet you – my two legged told me all about you and showed me your picture. I think we could be friends.

      1. Butter’s good. Mine likes butter, so I get shares 🙂 I can be friends with cats… ‘specially with an ocean in between 😉
        Much love, Ani xxx

    1. Elijah is rather unique that way. My Mom had a cat named Cappy who loved to swim – used to try to get into the bathtub with my grandfather!

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